Juicy Yoni Scrub
The Juicy Yoni Scrub will provide a gentle, cooling exfoliation of the skin around the yoni and leave you feeling clean, revitalized, and refreshed. The Juicy Yoni Scrub will work to fight razor burn and supplement the yoni area with extra moisture. This scrub will provide similar benefits to regular yoni scrubs but with more consideration for those with very sensitive skin.
Apply directly to the external Yoni when bathing. Massage into the skin of the Yoni until completely dissolved. Rinse with water.
Sugar, Distilled Water, Shea butter, Colloidal Silver, Aloe Vera Juice, Witch Hazel, Castile Soap, papaya seed oil, sweet orange, lemon, & grapefruit essential oils.
*Pregnancy & Breastfeeding Safe