Facial Steam

Gracefully Natural’s Facial Steam is the perfect addition to any regular self-care routine. The Facial Steam can be used as needed for colds, mucous build-up, and congestion. However, the Facial Steam has many other benefits making it the perfect addition to any regular regimen. 

The Facial Steam cleans pores, hydrates the skin, and allows the skin to be glowing and radiant. The Facial Steam would be perfect after cleansing the face using your regular facial cleansing process. The Facial Steam can also be used to open airways, fight off nasty colds from bacteria and viruses, and to clear congestion or mucous to allow you to breathe more smoothly. 

Boil water. Mix the Facial Steam herbs with boiling water. Let cool until the desired temperature. Sit with your face hovering over the steam for 10-15 minutes.

Mullen leaf and peppermint leaf.

*Pregnancy & Breastfeeding Safe