Fever Reducing Detox Bath

Although fevers are important for the body to heal, it is also imperative to keep the body in safe conditions while ill. The Fever Reducing Detox Bath is the perfect solution after having a fever for an extended amount of time or when experiencing very high temperatures. 

This detox bath is a salt-based soak thoughtfully crafted to get the body to counteract a nagging fever naturally. The fever-reducing bath provides relief and comfort when you are feeling Ill or feverish. This detox bath has a cooling effect and will help the body regulate its temperature.

Run warm bath water. Add the desired amount of Detox Bath into the water. Sit and relax in the bath for 20-45 minutes.

Epsom salt, nettle leaf, charcoal powder, apple cider vinegar, ginger powder, rosemary, tea tree, peppermint, and eucalyptus essential oils.

*Pregnancy & Breastfeeding Safe